27 December 2009

Soul-Sickening Movies 1

How's that title for an attention-grabber? Yes, well, if you read my first post, you know that Geisteskrankenheit means "soul-sickness", and that I use it in reference to my deep longing for _____. I understand that my ultimate longing is for communion with the Lord (after all, He put it there), but I feel this longing pointedly and immediately for other, more earthly things (which I understand to be analogies of my longing for God). I've watched a number of movies recently, and some of them bear significant mention. Because I'm having trouble writing all of these out, I'm going to give them to you one at a time.

Spider-Man 3 was first, and I mentioned it in the last post. The least impressive of the recent Spider-Man trilogy, in my estimation, this one still bears wisdom. The movie's primary villain is an alien parasite of sorts. When it bonds with a human host, it amplifies whatever aggressive or impulsive feelings the host may have, while diminishing his powers of inhibition. I find that a pretty obvious analogy to the problems of sin and temptation. When viewed from an objective standpoint, sin is unmistakably dangerous and destructive. However, when one gives in to temptation of any kind, the sin immediately blinds the sinner to its evil. The indulgence becomes fun, and the person lives for the rush of the moment. It is the same as any other addiction in that its purpose is to distract a person from the plain (if difficult) reality of life. The analogy has further implications, but the reader may pursue them as the Spirit leads.