19 December 2009

Blogging sans Narcissism?

A bit of explanation is in order. I enjoy Facebook, and perhaps a bit too much. I fear what it may do to my sense of priorities, as I may get just a bit too much enjoyment out of "comments". While it's great to know that people are interested in what I'm doing and saying, I find it frighteningly easy to be active on Facebook just for the response it generates. I like to know that people are interested in me... that they chose to spend a few seconds reading about and responding to me rather than doing something productive. This is dangerously close to narcissism.

Okay, now that some of you have looked up "narcissism" in a dictionary, you think I'm some kind of pervert. I assure you that I use the word in the colloquial, not clinical, sense.

Out of genuine concern that I would be drawn to use this blog as another outlet for people to notice and publicly laud my scribbance (it's not in my dictionary, but I'd bet that you understood it), I have chosen to disable comments for my posts. If I said something that struck you so much that you actually want to tell me about it, send me an e-mail or talk to me in person. That way, it'll be private and much more conducive to conversation.

I'm up this late because I just finished watching Spider-Man 3. I don't remember being quite so struck by it last time, and I intend to write about it a bit. Now you know what's coming next!

I love you all,